My Supplement Shelf: an interview with SheerLuxe.

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SheerLuxe online magazine recently interviewed me as part of their new supplement shelf health edition. Here I give the low down on my best rated eco-conscious supplement brands to look out for. I also talk about the best supplements that I use to boost my energy levels, support immune health, lower stress and enhance sleep quality.

1) When it comes to supplements, are there any brands you particularly rate? Anything you should definitely avoid? Any keywords or symbols you should be looking for on packaging?

There’s a dozen or so brands that I love. Viridian, Wild Nutrition, Bare Biology and Biomedica are all brilliant. I try to avoid high street supplements which often contain cheap synthetic excipients, fillers and binders. I look out for brands that have strong ethical and sustainability values. Those that are non-GM and non-irradiated are definitely worth avoiding. I also look out for supplements that are free from gluten, wheat, soy, lactose, added sugar, salt, yeast, additives, colourings and artificial flavourings.  

Vitamins that are ‘active’ and ‘food sourced’ are key words to look out for. Brands that promote certified organic and palm oil free symbols on their packaging also indicate quality and integrity.

2) What have been your recent supplement discoveries – anything that’s particularly piqued your interest with research/results? Have you tried taking this?

My latest personal discovery is A. Vogel Kelp. My mum used to sprinkle sea kelp on my food and I never cared for it much. But it’s making a revival. An excellent source of iodine, it’s packed with vitamin A, vitamin K, calcium, zinc and magnesium. It’s the perfect food for a sluggish thyroid. If you’re prone to low energy levels, slow digestion, dry skin and depression then it could be worth trying. Dose: 2-3 tablets daily.

3) Do you take a multivitamin?

I actually take a multivitamin mineral supplement which provides me with many of the missing minerals and trace minerals that I may not be getting through my diet alone. During winter if I forget or run out for a few weeks, I’ll notice a change to my energy levels or even the start of a sore throat appearing. A great reminder that what I’m taking – is working!

4) When it comes to immunity, what are some of your favourite supplements?

Source Naturals Wellness Formula is my go-to immune support at the first sign of feeling ill. It delivers high-potency vitamin C plus more than 25 other vitamins, minerals, and time-tested traditional herbs to support immune health. Dose: follow manufacturer’s guidance. 

Nutri Advanced Vitamin D3 drops is also another favourite. Vitamin D is essential in the functioning of a healthy immune system. The best source is sunshine – but during the winter months opting for a Vitamin D3 supplement is a good alternative. Note: for accurate dosing,  arrange a Vitamin D blood test through your doctor, naturopath or nutritionist.  

5) What do you take for energy? Any supplements you recommend for a quick energy boost?

The first thing I do is increase my multivitamin to two capsules daily as the extra dose of B vitamins and magnesium helps to give me an energy boost. My current favourite is Viridian High Five Multi Vitamin Mineral Complex: Dose: 1-2 capsules daily. 

Or I might take an iron supplement for a month or so. The brand Floradix makes a brilliant liquid iron formulation blended with Vitamin C, B complex and various herbs all designed to boost iron stores and assist with optimal absorption. Dose: 10ml twice daily. 

6) Do you take anything to help you sleep? Or anything you recommend to your clients?

Sometimes I take magnesium before bed to help me to unwind. It has been well researched for its calming effect on muscles and nerves aiding with relaxation and a good night’s sleep. Nutri Advanced MegaMag Night Formula: Dose: One scoop in 100-250ml in water before bed.  

7) Do you take any supplements to support your mood? Whether stress/anxiety/feeling low?

There are an abundance of natural remedies we can use to mitigate stress from our lives. During the winter months I take a vitamin D3 supplement to keep my levels within the optimal range. If I am stressed I will take magnesium glycinate to support my nervous system. Studies show this form of magnesium has superior absorption and is brilliant for lowering stress and anxiety, enhancing sleep quality, reducing tiredness and much more. 

8) Do you take any supplements for optimal hormonal health? If not, are there any you recommend to your clients?

I usually just take the multivitamin mineral complex, vitamin D and magnesium as mentioned above to support my general hormonal balance.

9) Do you take probiotics? What about prebiotics? Are you interested in gut health?

On occasion I do but I prefer to eat prebiotic-rich foods that feed and nourish my friendly gut bacteria. Good examples include garlic, leeks, onions, asparagus, banana, rye and artichokes. Eating foods that are naturally rich in probiotics like kombucha, miso, kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut are also beneficial. Be mindful though as these types of fermented foods don’t suit everyone! With 80% of the immune system located in our gut - a  healthy gut microbiome is an essential part of our immune defence. 

10) What are your views on CBD – is this something you take/have tried?

Personally, I think CBD oil is brilliant and I have seen many clients over recent years benefit from it. It’s great for calming the nervous system, lowering stress and anxiety, reducing pain and I’ve even seen it work very successfully with clients suffering from insomnia. Dose: start slowly and follow manufacturer’s guidance. 

11) Is there anything you take to support an active lifestyle/aid recovery? 

I’m not big on commercial protein powders, but if I feel like I need a boost I will add one heaped dessert spoon of organic hemp protein powder to my post-work out green smoothie. 

12) Do you think it’s important for people to take omega oils through a supplement? Is this something you take?

Yes, I absolutely think it’s beneficial to supplement with omega 3 fatty acids as we simply don’t get enough through our diet. However, choosing a high-quality brand is a must. Many commercial fish oil brands contain residues of environmental toxins like mercury and other heavy metals. I take Bare Biology Life and Soul (previously Lion Heart Omega 3). A super clean, super strength, independently batch tested, sustainably-caught fish oil, sourced off the coast of Norway from wild anchovies and sardines. Dose: 2 capsules daily or half to one teaspoon daily. 

13) Are there any other herbal supplements you take regularly that we haven’t mentioned?

When it comes to supplements, do you think delivery system matters – e.g. capsules vs tablets, sprays, etc? Do you actively take certain formulas over others, bearing this in mind?

Delivery system matters for so many reasons. Primarily because the method of ingestion ultimately influences bioavailability, absorption and assimilation. There are many advantages and disadvantages to both capsules and tablets. Much of it comes down to strict quality, research and development in supplement technology. Despite the many pros and cons - those companies at the leading edge can provide customers with a high quality in both delivery systems. 

Sprays, drops and lozenges are brilliant for easy, flexible dosing, have a high rate of absorption and low excipient level. 

Note: dose recommendations are a general guideline only. For best results, seek the expertise of a naturopath or nutritionist. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions for cautions and contraindications. If you are taking medication, consult your doctor first.

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About me: London naturopath, BodyTalk practitioner, herbalist, nutritionist, energy worker and intuitive, offering cutting edge science-based holistic health consultations and healing for mind, body and soul. Other natural therapies blending into treatments include: reiki, homeopathy, functional medicine, metaphysics, dietary advice, lifestyle coaching and various other naturopathic diagnostic techniques.

Merran Lusher, ND consults from her distance healthcare clinic offering private consultations, treatments and healing to clients in over twenty countries. She also consults across her established clinic in South West London and North London. With fourteen years’ experience and eight years full time tertiary training, Merran has conducted over 10,000 clinical hours and draws upon a wealth of experience. Learn what people say about Merran here.


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