The Initial Appointment

Wellness Consultation

Once your booking has been confirmed, you will be sent an email confirmation with an online health consultation form to sign and complete in advance of your appointment. Following that, you will be emailed a separate payment link where you can make a secure payment.

the process:

  1. Merran will commence with an initial health analysis by reviewing and discussing with you your wellness goals and key health concerns.

  2. Medical and family history, underlying pathologies, genetic susceptibilities and nutritional deficiencies may also be looked at.

  3. Diet and lifestyle will be briefly reviewed with advice on foods to avoid, restrict and/or incorporate into your diet, to boost and optimise health.

  4. Muscle testing is then carried out to determine which priority supplements, nutrients, foods and test recommendations are appropriate.

  5. Towards the end of your appointment and time dependent, a BodyTalk session may be offered.

after your appointment

Naturopathy ~ BodyTalk ~ Nutrition ~ Herbal Medicine ~ Reiki ~ Lymphatic Drainage ~ Flower Remedies ~ Intuition ~ Epigenetics ~ Energy Healing ~ Homeopathy ~ Metaphysics ~ Quantum Healthcare ~ Women’s Health ~Tapping ~ Distance Healing.